ToneOZ supports the conversion between simplified and traditional Chinese. You can also enable the “Side by Side” to show both simplified and traditional characters for comparison.
澳声通支持简繁转换, 也可以将简体字繁体字同时显示以做比对.
Click the book icon on the top left to show the second toolbar, and then click “⇄简繁” to show the conversion menu. You can click “简” or “繁” to convert, or click “简繁对照” to display the corresponding simplified or traditional character under its original character.
点击左上角的书本按钮可显示第二工具列, 再点击 “⇄简繁” 便会显示简繁转换选单. 您可点击 “简” 或 “繁” 来转换, 或者选择 “简繁对照” 便可在每个中文字下方显示相对应的繁简字.
There are 3 character size options in the “简繁对照” for your choices. You can adjust the “line space” to avoid overlap if you select a bigger character size.
“简繁对照” 有3种字体大小供您任选. 您可自行调整「行距」来确保大字体不会彼此重叠.
In default, the diff is only displayed if the character has a Diffs in Unicode (编码差异) . However, some characters have the same Unicode but they have Diffs in stroke (字形差异) between simplified and traditional Chinese. To check these Diffs in stroke, please make sure you have installed both Simplified and Trafitional Chinese Language Packs on your operating system, and then enable the option “全字形比对”.
预设值是, 只有简繁汉字的电脑「统一码 (Unicode)」 有 “编码差异” 时, 我们才显示对照字. 然而有许多简繁汉字使用相同Unicode, 但是他们的标准笔画却存在 “字形差异”. 例如「亮」, 简体字是「亮」, 下方笔画为「几」, 繁体字则是「亮」, 下方笔画为「ㄦ」. 您可以先确认您的作业系统已经安装中文繁体及简体语言包, 然后再选取 “全字形比对” 来检视所有字形差异.