There are 5 tones in Chinese. To master Chinese reading, tones are very important. ToneOZ suppors to put enlarged tone marks on the top of each Chinese characters, in order to help students for pronunciation practice.
中文有「一二三四轻」五种声调. 学习声调对于母语非中文的学生是很难但很重要的挑战. 澳声通支援在汉字上方加上放大的声调符号, 来帮助学生学习.
Options include:
Show/Hide Pinyin 显示汉语拼音
You can hide the pinyin and leave with only the tone marks
Tone Stroke 选择符号笔触
Use serif stroke or sans serif (width fixed) stroke
Shorten Tone 3 缩短三声符号
Shortehn the tone 3 mark to remind students to pronounce it shortly
声调三声称为「上声」, 宜短不宜拖长. 缩短三声符号以提醒学生此重点.
Show Tone 5 显示轻声符号
Originally there is no tone 5 mark in Pinyin. This option will mark a short stroke for tone 5.
轻声一般在标准汉语拼音的规范中是没有声调符号的. 此选项可以用一个短横线来提示轻声.
Color by Tone 依声调着色
Please refer to “Color by Tone“. You can apply this setting for tone marks only.
请参照「依照声调上色」. 朗读记号可以独立使用不同的色彩设定.
Click here to use it now : ToneOZ
点此开启 => 拼音注音编辑器 ToneOZ