Partial Modify Font and Words 局部修改字型与词组

Instead of applying font or color to all the characters, you can also apply settings to partial characters. e.g.: Apply Font settings on selected characters only.
您可以只改变一部分文章的设定, 例如例句中, 只把「花盘」这两个字改成显示拼音, 并设定为红色宋体字型.

If you are using a desktop PC, just drag your mouse to select. If you are using a mouseless phone or tablet, you can select by click the「开始选取」in the menu, and then swipe on the screen to select.
使用桌机滑鼠便可直接拖曳选取局部文章. 如果您的装置没有滑鼠, 请改点选昨上角选单中的「开始选取」, 然后以手势滑动萤幕即可选取.

In order to improve the auto orthography, you can group words manually.

e.g.: “有天台北下雨”
“有 天台 北 下雨” : Auto 自动
“有天 台北 下雨” :Manual 手动